Category: Articles Library
A new Florida Statute made it easier to waive the Florida Homestead devise restrictions by joining in a deed; however, caution is warned as valuable rights may be lost and unintended consequences may ensue. PROCEED WITH...
In Estate of Kollsman v. Comm’r, the Tax Court redetermined the value of two 17th Century “Old Master” paintings after rejecting the estate’s expert’s appraisals. The estate’s expert was ignored, as the court...
As leaders in their communities and as advisors to their clients, many attorneys have had the privilege and opportunity to volunteer and/or work with Florida Not For Profit corporations (“NFP”). While every NFP is unique...
Wealth Planning Alert
August 2016
On August 2, 2016, the Treasury Department issued Proposed Regulations that would eliminate virtually all minority or lack of control discounts for family-controlled entities (including family limited partnerships, LLCs, and...